Rezound for a Droid4?


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
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I broke down and replaced my beloved D1 with a Rezound last week. So far, only complaints are battery life and missing my slideout keyboard, (it was handy when the digitizer developed a mind of its own!) I understand the Droid4 drops tomorrow. I know it's subjective, but which is the better phone? I've not researched the D4 very well but the Rezound, by most accounts, is solid and HTC is making it easier to "root".
Decisions. Decisions. Any advise?
Stay with the rezound and be happy. the screen on the rezound is in the top 2 running up of being the best (all subjective to the person looking at it.) I think the rezounds screen is clearer vs the g nex, but the g nex has true blacks...

anywho... the Rezound is a more powerful phone(pretty much equal to the g nex). Root it, put ICS on it and be happy! :icon_ banana:
If you require a physical keyboard, the D4 is perfect. If you don't, there are much better options out there. End of story.
If you require a physical keyboard, the D4 is perfect. If you don't, there are much better options out there. End of story.
I mostly agree --except with the "perfect" thing: Just got a Droid 4 today, but the screen is yucky. i see lots of subpixels (or whatever they are). it's like looking at a colored page in a cheap magazine.
if you don't NEED a physical keyboard, then keep the rezound! I might make an exchange... we'll see...
Seems of lately Moto has a string of bad screen. Ok, well not bad, but not as good as G nex or Rezound. That pentile thing isn't cool. It does have it's advantages though. If you want a 4G phone with a slick design and keyboard, well then the droid 4 seems to be up your alley. Keep in mind that the verdict is not out yet on reception and 4G/3G data drops. wait a couple of weeks if the keyboard is that important and if you can deal with pentile. Just don't get overzealous in front of your friends that have a G Nex, rezound, or Razr. Those 3 phone are better in every way quite possibly. Keyboards not included. but don't listen to me....I don't have a Droid 4. Check it our for yourself.
The Pentile screen issue has been beat to death. 3 times. At least.

The Pentile screen has a "screen door" effect. In return you get better battery life and the ability to see the screen in all lighting situations. I have mine on 0% and can see it in sunlight with my sunglasses on. Direct sunlight? Just take your sunglasses off. No problem.

However if it bothers you on first glance you will never get past it, so just get another phone! ;)
I broke down and replaced my beloved D1 with a Rezound last week. So far, only complaints are battery life and missing my slideout keyboard, (it was handy when the digitizer developed a mind of its own!) I understand the Droid4 drops tomorrow. I know it's subjective, but which is the better phone? I've not researched the D4 very well but the Rezound, by most accounts, is solid and HTC is making it easier to "root".
Decisions. Decisions. Any advise?
The Rezound is better in every way IMO. Probably even battery life. I have the extended battery on my Rezound, and typically charge only once a day. I go about 14 hours and have 20% left over.

However...if you really must have a keyboard, then the Droid 4 has a great one. I wish they had put this much effort into the keyboard for my Droid 1. But except for the keyboard, there is nothing at all special about the Droid 4. It is just as underwhelming as the Droid 2 and 3 were. It is better than the Droid 1 to be sure, but thats about it.