A alep New Member Aug 25, 2010 #1 In two instances, text messages have resent when I turn my phone on everyday. But it doesn't show up in my messages. Whats wrong?
In two instances, text messages have resent when I turn my phone on everyday. But it doesn't show up in my messages. Whats wrong?
A aminaked Silver Member Aug 25, 2010 #4 That's a "no". Someone though SMS Popup was causing this issue. Anyway, you might want to check out this bug report: Issue 8248 - android - Droid sends out old SMS messages during boot-up process - Project Hosting on Google Code Also this: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-x-tech-issues/63941-reboot-causes-dx-resend-messages.html
That's a "no". Someone though SMS Popup was causing this issue. Anyway, you might want to check out this bug report: Issue 8248 - android - Droid sends out old SMS messages during boot-up process - Project Hosting on Google Code Also this: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-x-tech-issues/63941-reboot-causes-dx-resend-messages.html
A AdamK New Member Aug 31, 2010 #6 aminaked said: Do you happen to have SMS Popup installed? Click to expand... FYI, this was an issue in SMS Popup, but should now be fixed in the latest version (1.0.9), bug details here: Issue 155 Reboots with Droid X with smspopup installed will resend last 3-5 text messages Also, any other apps that send sms messages could potentially also be affected by the same problem.
aminaked said: Do you happen to have SMS Popup installed? Click to expand... FYI, this was an issue in SMS Popup, but should now be fixed in the latest version (1.0.9), bug details here: Issue 155 Reboots with Droid X with smspopup installed will resend last 3-5 text messages Also, any other apps that send sms messages could potentially also be affected by the same problem.