ABI Research recently performed an analysis and teardown of the Moto X which revealed some intriguing results. According to their assessment, the Moto X has several impressive engineering feats. One of the things they were most impressed with was that the device is small for Android standards, yet it still offers excellent battery life despite its high-definition AMOLED display.
That's not all they praised about the device. Jim Mielke of ABI indicated that the Moto X has the "best performance observed in a mobile display to date." He elaborated,
“This level of performance is so significantly improved that other factors are more likely to govern battery life now. Automatic dimming and short idle periods before turning off the display will be less crucial and may even be features that fade away from all handsets soon.
The phone features a unique always-on voice command system that has drawn a lot of attention but a second marvel exists that is very easily seen but not observed: Moto X’s AMOLED display, which draws just 92mA during bright conditions and 68mA while dim. Battery life has long since been dictated by display technology—the display current could be as high as 700mA under bright conditions just a few years ago. LCD based displays have been evolving too but not quite matching the AMOLED displays performance.”
It's amazing to realize just how innovative Motorola has been with this device. It's easy to get caught up in the typical marketing fantasy of high-end devices requiring ultra-processors and tons of RAM. Sometimes the subtle innovations which happen behind the scenes are under-appreciated. What do you guys think?
Source: ABI Research