Ready to take the plunge and root....


New Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Hello fellow Droids...After dealing with "stock" trials and tribulations with my HTC Droid Eris...especially the most recent: learning that my internal memory was FULL because Apps are NOT stored on the SD card(WTH?? was the initial response...there was a different response I will not repeat when HTC told me there was no plan to upgrade the OS to 2.2...). I have had a love-hate relationship with this phone and have tried to overcome the "bugs" and weaknesses of the phone(ie, Terrible battery life-I go through 2 full batts a day; apps starting on their own. slowing and choking the phone, etc.) originally to hold out until the i-phone came to Verizon. Now, seeing that for $200 and a limited insurance program with a high deductible is the cost for being an iphone user, I am trying to stick with this Eris and get the most out of this phone. I would also like to know how other HTC phone owners fare in their experiences. To date, I would never own another HTC product and kick myself for not buying the original Motorola Droid.

In short, if I am able to fully understand rooting(the process, the terminology, and how it all goes I have seen it thrown around in threads of forums and various droid sites)...then I certainly want to do it. I want to understand the risks and NOT end up with a $500 paperweight. Any help, assistance in bringing me up to speed and on the level will be appreciated.
Welcome to the community and glad to see your looking to root. Ill see what i can do to help you out. I got the D2 but ill tell you that rooting opens up a whole new world to your phone and everything you do in rooting can pretty much be undone by entering commands in a terminal emulator. I also am not sure if its available on the Eris but you might want to check out an app called z4root. You should not ever have to charge your battery 2 times a day unless you are heavily using it like streaming musing or video files. Also might want to check out an app called JuiceDefender. You have to be rooted to use it but its well worth it. Any specific questions you want to ask?

usually doesnt take 24hrs for a response
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welcome to the forum. rooting really isn't so bad. id just be cautious as to what u download and how u download. be picky! Lol...but as 252 mentioned I use JD and im running decent battery life. its all customizable to ur needs. if no rooting, u can still use JD and Launcher Pro and few others.
good luck

Swype with an Aloha from Hawaii
Welcome to the forums!
I had a lot of the same troubles with the Eris. A month after we bought them my boyfriend used one of our upgrades to buy the Motorola Droid, then I found someone on Craigslist who- for some ungodly reason- was trading his Motorola for an Eris, so I got one too. That phone definitely has it's fair share of troubles, but I hope the rooting process works some of that out for you! :)
Post here?

Is this the place in this forum to post questions? I initially was directed to this "area" to introduce myself as a newbie...
Is this the place in this forum to post questions? I initially was directed to this "area" to introduce myself as a newbie...

Yes, The forum has areas to post questions everywhere. Whats your question? You can probably get away with any subject in the newbie area, but if you want to branch out try to stick to the subject of the particular area you in. Just ask away in here though and youll definetly get pointed in the right direction. :)
You can ask anywhere but I'd post over in the eris forum if you're looking for eris rooting help.

Sent from my Eris using DroidForums App

Just out of curiosity, is there any downsides to rooting in general and specifically to the Eris? I'm really encouraged about the rooting solution. I'm not one to upgrade every chance I can and especially if I have to pay for the phone(in which case, I am finding out...if they are giving me a phone,...there is probably a reason for it-as with the Eris; HTC stopped manufacturing the phone shortly after I upgraded to it) so it is nice to know that I can make the most of this one. What is the anticipated life expectancy of this Droid?
Biggest downside is that if you don't follow directions you can brick your phone. Fortunately that rarely happens, just read and then reread the instructions on the link I gave you above and you'll be fine. There wasa time i thought I couldn't live with phone anymore, since rootin I'm in love with it again and have no urge to upgrade anytime soon.

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