Hello everybody, I hope to god you can help me with this.
I have a rooted razr running the stock ics. I used ota root keeper to keep the root. All i have done with the root is unlocked the hotspot and changed my boot animation.
The phone will not charge. It noticed the problem when it got low battery. I fiddled with it and checked to make sure that the charge port wasnt full of lint. It died and still wont boot. The led turns white when i connect the charger to power so its not a hardware problem ( I think).
Please help. I dont want to own a brick. Should I take it to Verizon and see if they will just replace it?
I have a rooted razr running the stock ics. I used ota root keeper to keep the root. All i have done with the root is unlocked the hotspot and changed my boot animation.
The phone will not charge. It noticed the problem when it got low battery. I fiddled with it and checked to make sure that the charge port wasnt full of lint. It died and still wont boot. The led turns white when i connect the charger to power so its not a hardware problem ( I think).
Please help. I dont want to own a brick. Should I take it to Verizon and see if they will just replace it?