Last week my screen froze for eight hours - I'm farily certain I caused this but have not seen any posts to this effect. If it is a repeat and I should be looking for this on a previous thread I apologize-just let me know. Last week I was outside in the evening for about 4 hours; about 54 degrees; I was on the phone for the most part making calls. Upon coming in I dropped it on a hardwood floor. All the screen views disappeared (went completely blank)- homescreen froze - 90% of apps were gone i.e., Phone, Text, Contacts, etc. It showed the screens in the deck-card-like mode where all are fanned out when you press Home twice except four were completely blank. I couldn't do anything except turn it off and on - no reboot would work. I put it on some pillows and placed in a warm area where the vents would reach it in case frozen due to cold temp, 6 hours later, it was still frozen - about three hours thereafter on the way in after trying to make a call to no avail - without thinking, I placed it on a heated seat pressed next to me- m/b 15 mniutes...then just like that the screens returned and all functions reappeared - no apps were missing and everything works like before. Has anyone had this happen? Did you replace it or keep it and were there any repeats like this? I will not expose to cold weather again; although 54 is really not cold; I will try to not drop again -- it was disturbing that it was rendered inoperable for over 8 hours. Is replacing recommended?
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