You have a
lot of awake time. I'm betting you have apps that aren't taking up much processor time, but are forcing the phone to stay awake so you never really go into standby. My guess would be Norton Security, from the list there, and maybe a few others. Why do you have Norton Security installed? Android doesn't need a virus checker, just a brain (e.g. if you're sideloading a wallpaper app from a random internet site and it asks for permission to make phone calls and have access to your contact list, DON'T!). That could be an issue right there. DaTuner is using a little bit, too (unless you're actually using it; if not, it could be polling your CPU in the background and making it so your processor never really sleeps).
Also, how long are all of these off a charger for? If I recall correctly, the "time on battery" will be the time since it was last plugged in, not total time; so the above might be misleading.
Another thing: do you live in a 4G coverage area? I see that your phone says 3G. If you have your phone set to LTE/CDMA (4G/3G), it will sap battery like a hippie going through weed, so you'll want to turn that off. Homescreen --> Menu --> Settings --> Wireless and Networks --> Mobile Networks --> Network Mode --> CDMA only. Or you can use this nifty app (free):
Also, what are your
exact Smart Actions? How are you manually turning data on and off? Realistically, if you have a Maxx in a strong 3G area with no Smart Actions set up, you ought to be able to get 1-2 days easy unless you have apps misbehaving in the background. What's your usage like? Number/duration of phone calls? Video? etc. This info might help us all diagnose the issue, because your battery drain definitely isn't normal.