Since getting the Razr with ICS preloaded. I noticed that my phone will pocket answer when I pull my phone from my pocket as its ringing. The friction from my leg causes the phone to answer. Instead of being like GB or other ICS phones. The Motorola ICS unlock or answer icons need not be slid to the exact spot for the unlock. These screen shots show that the phone will both unlock and answer with the finger being drug down NOT across and on the answer or unlock icon. I wish Motorola would fix this so it had to be DIRECTLY OVER the icon of choice to unlock or answer. Limiting and preventing pocket answering.
Sent from my Motorola (Droid) Bionic... out in the boonies of TN while picking on a guitar!
Sent from my Motorola (Droid) Bionic... out in the boonies of TN while picking on a guitar!