My company just upgraded my phone from a Bionic to a Razr Maxx. I REALLY liked my Bionic, but gotta say I LOVE the Razr Maxx. Outstanding screen and a seemingly never ending battery!! So far -- So good!!
Anyhow -- my question is ...
There's not a Razr Maxx specific HACKS section in this forum. Does that mean the every hack for the Razr also works for the Maxx. I'm especially concerned about the SBF file contained in the Razr HACKS Utility post. If I use that to f;lash back to STOCK, will it work and will it show Razr or Razr Maxx in the About Phone section in settings?
Anyhow -- my question is ...
There's not a Razr Maxx specific HACKS section in this forum. Does that mean the every hack for the Razr also works for the Maxx. I'm especially concerned about the SBF file contained in the Razr HACKS Utility post. If I use that to f;lash back to STOCK, will it work and will it show Razr or Razr Maxx in the About Phone section in settings?