I usually have pretty good service where I am. I was even on the phone with good service (my bedroom like always) and it just restarted. When it did it a whole bunch the other day, I was in my office where I usually have decent service. Here's another strange thing though. I can no longer use my WiFi. When I click the slider to turn it on, it goes on then right back off immediately. I did that and then immediately got a log and looked through it. I was seeing some messages about a driver failure. Maybe a missing driver? Can I install that from the computer or do I need to do a reboot? Or worse, have to get the OS reloaded at Verizon? I think my bluetooth is okay but I did notice that I thought I turned it on and a little later it was off. Although come to think of it, it should have shown my connected devices shortly after turning on but it just said turning on for a little while. I'll have to try that again. It has not rebooted on my yet since that last big spurt. Maybe clearing the cache did it?? I also uninstalled a couple random games that I never use and only downloaded to get rewards in another game (through TapJoy). Maybe those were causing an issue but the last one of those that I installed was at least a week prior to the first reboot.
Hopefully this fixed it but I do need to figure out my WiFi and bluetooth problems. I leave WiFi on all the time for location so that Tasker can change my volumes when I'm at work or in the gym or in meetings. However, I noticed my location has been way off lately. There were a couple times that I was at work and we had a client and my phone rang at full volume because Tasker did not have any active profiles. I looked at Google maps and my location was way off. And it has been. I'm not sure if my WiFi was off when I first starting noticing that but its definitely way off now that WiFi is not on. I used GPS yesterday to make sure it was right however, I checked a few times in my notification bar and when I pulled it up, Tasker would show no active profiles and then all of a sudden the GPS would search and Tasker would change to the correct profile. Not sure if it only saw the proper location every so often when it checks or if it just refreshed but I'm hoping that my volumes had been correct. I don't think so though. I really need to get this WiFi thing figured out. I know that before it stopped turning on, it was barely seeing any networks, even the one in the office. It would only pop up randomly. I'm right next to my computer which showed a minimum of 5-6 networks at any one time! Is the WiFi on these phone just that much worse or maybe that was just a result and the start of the problems with WiFi driver. Hopefully I can get this all fixed.