The razr has reinstalled my love for android! My first droid was an epic, which was formerly the best phone that I ever owned. After that I had an iPhone 4 which was also an amazing piece of technology, then a droid x2 which made me hate android....ugh I wish I could just right click delete the x2 out of my memory banks lol. But I have the razr maxx, and I must say this is the best phone ive ever owned, generally the battery is good (not as good as I'd expect a 3300mah to be, but it's only been a few days), the 4g is unbelievable, on top of that with foxfi it enabled me to have unlimited 4g net on my new wifi iPad. This phone (or at least the phone and iPad) might just be the best combo of tech that I've ever used at the same time.
Ty razr maxx, you have made my tech life complete!
Ty razr maxx, you have made my tech life complete!