I can't pinpoint anything "exact" to it, because it's here there and everywhere. But I have realized that my phone reboots and or loses data depending on where I am. I've travelled different routes to and from work in my 30min drive, and it's almost a given that the phone will either reboot, or lose it's data connection. However, when I'm in a 4G area, it doesn't seem to be a problem.
So, hopefully the A. update will fix it, B. Gingerbread will fix it, C. My area goes 4G sooner rather than later. I never trust a phone co when they try to guess when an area is going to go 4G or not. They think they know, but they don't. And I also found out that in my area, there is a small cell company, Centennial, that is basically SCREWING everyone because they won't give up their small little area. I've heard that because of it, Kokomo, IN will always be "on the fringe" of 4G service because no one can put a tower up in the area that really needs it... because Centennial owns that area.
Something like that. I don't care or need to know the "technicalities" of how it all works. I just know that where we need a tower the most, is owned by Centennial. Centennial I think came in a bought Cingular years ago. I don't know anyone with that company either. I think someone at VZW told me that all of the competition is in the same boat because of it. I don't know. I just want my phone to work.
I laff when I see commercials on TV showing how awesome the these phones are on 4G. I came from a Blackberry Tour. And I thought that phone was the worse phone ever made because you couldn't quickly bring up anything. My Tbolt isn't far from it. My situation is like this:
TV Commercial "I'm out and about... and I want to check this website out for a "hot deal" on something, or compare a price".
Real life: "I'll try to check this website out to see whatever... wow... this is taking forever.... oh cool, I just lost my data connection! Guess I'd better pull my battery and wait 8minutes for it to reboot. 8 minutes later and in a rage, I try again. Things are moving, but not all that fast. I'm getting closer! Almost to the info I need! There it is! Let's see here... it says that... Oh great, my phone just rebooted itself.
I've never wanted to smash and stomp a device so badly in all of my life. In fact... I don't even know what it's like to be "on the go" and to be able to "access information with any sort of quickness or reliability".
I would consider myself a "power user". I expect and demand a lot from my phone because my phone is about the only time I can actually DO anything. Read the news, listen to music, surf the web, etc. I don't have a lot of time to do that at home or at work. I find myself using my phone to check my emails, send texts, read Pulse, maybe play a stupid game, or whatever. The only time I can sit and watch Youtube is on my phone. We're shopping, or at the swimming pool, and I'm bored. That's when I like to "do stuff". And everything I like to do requires SPEED, and speed is about the last thing I ever get in this area. It's not the phone's fault. It's where i live. BUT, it doesn't help when your phone reboots and loses data like it is it's JOB.
There is NO WAY VZW is going to swap me out phones until that update hits. No way. They'll make me wait "just to see". So, I'm not even going to bother with doing anything about this phone until next week or so. After that, i'm going to have to do something about a replacement. I've ruled out getting an iPhone, because even used they are too much money. I'm stuck with this horrible buggy first in class TBolt until the end of 2012. Yay.