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My thunderbolt just shuts off by itself.


My thunderbolt just shuts off by itself.
Just when I've got everything working as i would like it to a new problem... My tbolt shuts off without warning. I've had a couple of random reboots but i can live with those. I cant live with thinking my phone is on when it isnt missing important calls. It has nothing to do with charge level or any other conditions i can think of. Pbone is asleep in my case and i check it and it is just off.

Is this likely a problem with the phone or due to some combo of apps? Does it happen to others? I am not rooted.
I just spoke with a VZW tech and she informed me that HTC is coming out with a software update about mid-July that "should" fix this problem. The update was originally scheduled for the end of June; however, HTC came across other "issues" they needed to fix w/ this update as well, so they are thoroughly testing everything out before they release the update. If this problem is causing more issues/problems then you care to have w/ your phone, they have been authorized to replace it w/ either a new Thunderbolt or a completely different phone.

My Thunderbolt crashes 5-6 times a day. It's not rooted. It's not a combo of apps and it's a replacement one (received it at the beginning of June). My first Thunderbolt crashed, changed ringtones and notifications all the time on me. It would pick a song I had on my phone and play the ENTIRE song as a voicemail notification.
The update VZW recently had for the Thunderbolt also got rid of the option to send specific contacts straight to voicemail. I'm calling HTC directly to find out if that option is going to be added back w/ this next update. HTC can be contacted at 1-866-449-8358.
My thunderbolt just shuts off by itself.
Just when I've got everything working as i would like it to a new problem... My tbolt shuts off without warning. I've had a couple of random reboots but i can live with those. I cant live with thinking my phone is on when it isnt missing important calls. It has nothing to do with charge level or any other conditions i can think of. Pbone is asleep in my case and i check it and it is just off.

Is this likely a problem with the phone or due to some combo of apps? Does it happen to others? I am not rooted.

Rooting is the only way to fix it until HTC and VZW make the TB a priority....for once.

This thread has been Thunder struck!!
I just spoke with a VZW tech and she informed me that HTC is coming out with a software update about mid-July that "should" fix this problem. The update was originally scheduled for the end of June; however, HTC came across other "issues" they needed to fix w/ this update as well, so they are thoroughly testing everything out before they release the update. If this problem is causing more issues/problems then you care to have w/ your phone, they have been authorized to replace it w/ either a new Thunderbolt or a completely different phone.

My Thunderbolt crashes 5-6 times a day. It's not rooted. It's not a combo of apps and it's a replacement one (received it at the beginning of June). My first Thunderbolt crashed, changed ringtones and notifications all the time on me. It would pick a song I had on my phone and play the ENTIRE song as a voicemail notification.
The update VZW recently had for the Thunderbolt also got rid of the option to send specific contacts straight to voicemail. I'm calling HTC directly to find out if that option is going to be added back w/ this next update. HTC can be contacted at 1-866-449-8358.

But does yours ever just shut off? I have no problems other than the occasional reboot, which i can live with, and the shut offs which i cannot live with.

I spoke to an htc rep and a vzw rep before posting here. Both claimed they had no record of tbolts shutting off by themselves like mine does. Reboots theyve heard of but not shut offs.
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But does yours ever just shut off? I have no problems other than the occasional reboot, which i can live with, and the shut offs which i cannot live with.

I spoke to an htc rep and a vzw rep before posting here. Both claimed they had no record of tbolts shutting off by themselves like mine does. Reboots theyve heard of but not shut offs.

If you'd asked me that question a week ago, I would have said no. I upgraded to my Thunderbolt two days after it was initially released in March. Virtually problem-free until the horrible firmware upgrade in May. Suffered from the random reboot issue multiple times per day, like many folks have. Patiently have been waiting on a fix. However, although I'd read about a problem with some users having random shutdowns (in addition to the random reboot problem), I hadn't had one of those....until two days ago.

Saturday, I was listening to music on my phone while traveling in the car across the state, and the phone just shut itself off. On Sunday, it shut off again, this time at home, ironically just after I'd checked to see if there were any new software updates available (checking for the promised firmware update that hasn't arrived yet). I still get the random reboots as well. In fact, this morning I woke up to a random reboot. Prior to this weekend, I only got the random reboots, and not the random shut downs as well. Also, with the random reboots, prior to this weekend, I never got them at home, only at work (since at home I'm on wifi most of the time). As of this weekend, I am now getting the reboots at home as well. I'm wondering if traveling into a 4G area triggered this issue?

I've also noticed some odd behavior...usually my phone is either on 3G or wifi, but never BOTH (I don't live in a 4G area). I've caught my phone more than once lately displaying the wifi symbol and the 3G symbol at the SAME time. Not sure what's up with that. Honestly, I didn't think having BOTH 3G and wifi active at the same time was even possible. If I turn off wifi and then turn it back on, it usually kicks the 3G off and runs on just wifi, like it's supposed to.

I thought this firmware issue was related to a 3G/4G switch and an issue with towers, but now I'm not sure what to think. I just want it fixed. Waiting two months for Verizon/HTC to fix their own screw up is waaaay to long to wait, especially since I'm paying for "reliable" service.
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Interesting that you mentioned having wifi and network symbols simultaneously. My old phone is a droid 1. Since getting the tbolt i have wifi connected to my d1 to use in the bedroom. This morning i noticed that the wifi and network symbols were BOTH on even though i have 3g turned off with the power bar... You know that bar with a symbol for brightness, wifi, wireless 3g, and location. Even though i have wireless verizon network turned off and the phone is no longer on the verizon network it shows bars indicating a wireless signal. In the past when wifi was conne ted those disappeared and with the 3g turned off on the power bar they shouldnt be there no matter what.
My Thunderbolt has been driving me absolutely insane since probably early May. It will automatically shut down, or reboot on it's own. So, like a couple others here, I will think my phone is in 'sleep' mode, will go to look at it, and it's off. My VZW rep told me a system update from HTC was supposed to be available by the end of June...now it's 7/4, and no update yet. From reading another post, I guess I have to wait til mid July. Another problem I have is no consistent connection to the network. I'm not in a 4G area, plus for some reason I can't get my home internet to link up, so I'm relying on the VZW 3G network...but it's never consistently working.

I was told about the system update, then if that doesn't work, they would send me a new phone, however, it would be a refurb, which I have a problem with because how would a refurb phone be any better than the one I already have. SO, I guess wait a few more weeks for an update?? I am literally about to go insane dealing with all the issues.
I feel your pain... Literally!

I'm hoping that the bionic or 4g x2 comes out soon and they let me exchange my htc for a moto. I should have known better. I had an htc windows phone and had to return that one too. I could never hear it ring and it was always jamming.
My Thunderbolt has been driving me absolutely insane since probably early May. It will automatically shut down, or reboot on it's own. So, like a couple others here, I will think my phone is in 'sleep' mode, will go to look at it, and it's off. My VZW rep told me a system update from HTC was supposed to be available by the end of June...now it's 7/4, and no update yet. From reading another post, I guess I have to wait til mid July. Another problem I have is no consistent connection to the network. I'm not in a 4G area, plus for some reason I can't get my home internet to link up, so I'm relying on the VZW 3G network...but it's never consistently working.

I was told about the system update, then if that doesn't work, they would send me a new phone, however, it would be a refurb, which I have a problem with because how would a refurb phone be any better than the one I already have. SO, I guess wait a few more weeks for an update?? I am literally about to go insane dealing with all the issues.
this is my theory because i live in a solid 4g area and have not had any reeboots but i went on vacation about 3 weeks ago to ocen city md and prolly had 3 reeboots that i actually saw in 2 days no telling how many in my pocket came back home and has not rebooted in 2 weeks went back to OC july 4th weekend and prolly had about 5 reboots so im thinking it has to be some kind of 3g problem... cant wait for the GB update and HTC makes great devices
Now that you mention it every one of my reboots or shut downs have been in 3G areas - in fact 3G areas with weak signals. Is there a logical tech reason for this?
Now that you mention it every one of my reboots or shut downs have been in 3G areas - in fact 3G areas with weak signals. Is there a logical tech reason for this?

No idea cuz I was like what are all these ppl talking about lol.. cuz mine works fine till I go in and STAY in a 3g only area anyone else having this problem in 3g only?
Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
I was away this weekend in a 3g area and my phone kept shutting off on its own.


Also lately my phone has been having g trouble getting 3g service in an area I uses to get 3 g fibe

sent from my thunderbolt
Mine Just started doing something new. I think it may be trying to start taking orders on when to restart. It shuts off like a random reboot but the notifacation led lights up Orange and the phone doesn't reboot without you pushing the power button.

Sent from my Thunderbolt!!
Mine Just started doing something new. I think it may be trying to start taking orders on when to restart. It shuts off like a random reboot but the notifacation led lights up Orange and the phone doesn't reboot without you pushing the power button.

Sent from my Thunderbolt!!

Mine has started doing that the last 2 weeks or so

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums