So I'm having a few issues with my S3 that I know will be fixed with a FDR. I'm having trouble downloading the recent OTA, a problem I've had before on my X2 and was fixed by a FDR. Problem is I have a lot of apps on here right now, and I really don't want to lose all of them and the data within. So I'm rooted with TitaniumBackup, I assume I can backup "apps only," FDR, restore "apps only," and problem solved? But I also remember when I first set up my phone, as in coming from my Rezound, a large majority of those apps auto-reinstalled. Convenient, but you lose all the data/settings. So I guess my question(s) is how can I turn that off so it doesn't interfere with titanium backup and is it likely that restoring a lot of those apps, mostly games/lighting/customization apps, nothing too fancy, will bring back this problem? Or is it most likely a "system" app or setting that is causing the issue?
Hope this makes sense. The OTA reminder keeps popping up and all I can do is defer it. Also, if I FDR, I should maintain root. So as long as I restore before taking the OTA which breaks root, should be no problem, right? Thank you for any help!!
Hope this makes sense. The OTA reminder keeps popping up and all I can do is defer it. Also, if I FDR, I should maintain root. So as long as I restore before taking the OTA which breaks root, should be no problem, right? Thank you for any help!!