Push AOL E-mail on DROID through Gmail?


New Member
Nov 4, 2009
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I would like to switch from my BlackBerry to the Droid, but I want to be able to get my AOL E-mail instantly through push. From what I can tell, the Droid supports push only through Microsoft Exchange and Gmail. For IMAP, apparently, the Droid does not support push. Is there a way to get my AOL E-mails through push using Gmail?

For example, could I make Gmail retrieve all my AOL E-mails as soon as they come in and then push them to the Droid? Conversely, if I replied from the Droid, would Gmail somehow sync my outgoing E-mails to AOL?

I am just not sure how all this works.

Thanks for any help.
I would like to switch from my BlackBerry to the Droid, but I want to be able to get my AOL E-mail instantly through push. From what I can tell, the Droid supports push only through Microsoft Exchange and Gmail. For IMAP, apparently, the Droid does not support push. Is there a way to get my AOL E-mails through push using Gmail?

For example, could I make Gmail retrieve all my AOL E-mails as soon as they come in and then push them to the Droid? Conversely, if I replied from the Droid, would Gmail somehow sync my outgoing E-mails to AOL?

I am just not sure how all this works.

Thanks for any help.

You can have your AOL mail forwarded to a gmail account, but I think that would be about as far as the connection goes. Why wouldn't you just simplify everything and get a gmail account (you will have to have one for the phone anyway).
I have been using my AOL account for nearly twenty years, so I am looking for a push solution that lets me keep it. I do have a Gmail account, too, but I don't use it. I was hoping to use it in connection with AOL E-mail.
Can you not set up your gmail account to check your AOL account and download the messages to your Gmail inbox? I do this with a couple pop3 accounts from my ISP and Gmail tells me which address the email was sent to. Then you should have an option in Gmail to send mail using your AOL account.
i called verizon and asked them. i was told you could have whatever email accounts you wanted. not sure if it's true push but presuming you can set the grab time like i do with my 700p...every 5 min. it grabs my email.
Thank you. I was hoping to avoid having the DROID check my AOL account every few minutes, as that technology is not really push. My Motorola Q used to check for new E-mail every so many minutes, and it would often take fifteen minutes just to get a new E-mail. My BlackBerry, on the other hand, usually picks up my AOL E-mails within seconds. I was hoping to maintain that functionality with the DROID.
ok...i just called verizon tech. the guy was very nice but didn't quite have the answer.

there's a gmail icon and an email icon. you can have your aol email come through on the droid but the question becomes how often will it be grabbed in? my chattermail is something i can set - when i'm on a regular work day, i have it grab every 5 min. if i'm on a trip not work-related, i set it to every 30 min. but it's my choice.
at the beginning of our conversation, david the tech guy said that it's set up to grab your aol every 15 min. i asked him if that setting was customizable and that's where we don't have an answer. he went to find the guys who were training but they were packed up and gone. he emailed his supervisor and says he'll email me tomorrow with the answer....i'll post it. anyone know anything other than this?
Thanks very much. I will look forward to your update. You have expressed my concern: that the DROID will have to check for AOL E-mail every so many minutes. That is why I was hoping that I could make Gmail pull my AOL E-mail constantly and immediately forward it to the DROID and that, when I responded on the DROID, Gmail could route the responses through AOL so that I would have a record on AOL of sent E-mails.
you can have it pull as often as 5 minutes. Further, on BB your AOL account isn't actually push. It is a pull account as well, so you likely won't notice a difference. Little known fact--everyone thinks ALL email is push on BB and it isn't.
Interesting. Even though my BlackBerry is pulling my AOL E-mails, I get them usually within a couple of seconds after they hit my AOL In box. Is that speed due to RIM's servers or Verzon's or both? May DROID users expect the same speed despite the official word that the DROID will pull every 5 to 15 minutes?
you can have it pull as often as 5 minutes. Further, on BB your AOL account isn't actually push. It is a pull account as well, so you likely won't notice a difference. Little known fact--everyone thinks ALL email is push on BB and it isn't.
medicthree: may i ask how you know that it can be adjusted to pull to 5 min. intervals? because that would work for me but the 15 min. option absolutely would not. anxiously awaiting your answer!
you can have it pull as often as 5 minutes. Further, on BB your AOL account isn't actually push. It is a pull account as well, so you likely won't notice a difference. Little known fact--everyone thinks ALL email is push on BB and it isn't.
medicthree: may i ask how you know that it can be adjusted to pull to 5 min. intervals? because that would work for me but the 15 min. option absolutely would not. anxiously awaiting your answer!

My understanding is that is the standard Android option.


This mentions "frequency". Doesn't say what. I think you can set it to whatever want. obviously 5 min frequency is going to be much harder on battery life than 15.

This goes there too and has some times people use. Remember, in the end, android is android, despite what GUI is being used.
Email Sync/Download frequency - Android Forums

Damn, I should be a mod here. I'm pretty much the ****.
Every 15 minutes is fine for me. If someone sends something to you in email, how urgent is it? If it's urgent they can text or call you. We have been trained to think it's important to check email 50 times a day, every time management book will tell you to turn off the email notifier so you can pay attention to what you're doing at the time instead of constantly looking at your phone. Think about how much more productive you'd be and your friends would appreciate you more. :)
to each his own. but in my business, 15 min. is too long.