So for whatever reason my proximity sensor hasn't been working correctly any time i make a phone call. I will answer the call and notice that the screen turns off but then it will come back on a few seconds later and act as if i didn't have the phone next to my face and press buttons. Other times it will lock the screen after I start a phone call so I will have to put my password to hang up on someone and other times it will mute the conversation or put the conversation on speaker phone but then the screen wont recognize any touch inputs until I press the power button to turn off the screen and then again to turn it back on and turn the speaker phone and mute off. Sorry if this is confusing, It's just extremely frustrating. It seems like more of a software issue since the proximity sensor will work just fine when i put my finger to it. It also doesn't matter the position my phone is in. I used to think it could have something to do with the sensor being in a hollow part of my ear but even if the sensor is to my cheek it will do it. I'm running all stock on MR2 although it has been doing this since MR1 and maybe even before that.
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