Proximity Sensor/lockscreen problem since update


Aug 6, 2010
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Before the software update, when I was finished with a call I would take my phone from my ear, the proximity sensor would disengage, and the call screen would show up allowing me to press "end." Since the update, when I take the phone from my ear, the screen stays black and I have to press the power button to bring up the lock screen and unlock to end the call (or wait until the other person hangs up).

Anyone else been experiencing this? Any suggestions for resolving this new problem?
Before the software update, when I was finished with a call I would take my phone from my ear, the proximity sensor would disengage, and the call screen would show up allowing me to press "end." Since the update, when I take the phone from my ear, the screen stays black and I have to press the power button to bring up the lock screen and unlock to end the call (or wait until the other person hangs up).

Anyone else been experiencing this? Any suggestions for resolving this new problem?

I have also been experiencing this. I don't know how to resolve it though. My phone prompted me to upgrade right when I got it, so I don't know how it was before the update, but it has been doing this as long as I have had it.
Has there been any update on this? My wife's phone has just recently started doing this. When she finishes with a call and takes the phone away from her ear, the phone screen does not come back on. In order end the call, she has to hit the side power button, and then unlock the screen in order to hang up. My Fascinate does not do this (yet), but it sounds like there are quite a few people (from what I've read on other forums) who are experiencing the exact same thing. We've had the phones for close to two months and this problem is only now starting to happen on her phone? Is it a software problem or a problem with the proximity sensor? Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Same issue here. Would love to know how to fix this as it is quite annoying.

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I had this issue shortly after I got my phone. It has stopped doing this and I don't really know what or if I did anything to resolve it. My phone isn't rooted or any special programs or anything.
I know this is going to sound bizarre, but I hit upon a combo of two things that resolved this issue for me. First, I powered off my phone (which is something I do not do on a regular basis). After that, I found when I take the phone away from my ear, if I tip the phone back at a slight angle instead of straight up and down, the sensor works and the screen comes back on so I can hit 'end' or the dial pad, or any of the buttons.

Strange, I know. But I no longer have the problem. Worth a try, isn't it?