Problems with the Google Browser


Dec 6, 2009
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I noticed when I open the Browser it's in Spanish. Nothing wrong with that IF that's what you want. I changed the settings and hit SAVE. Same thing, I restarted the phone, same thing. I got the bright idea that maybe cookies weren't enabled. Took a little while to find the settings. ( Open the Browser click the menu then settings ,then more. ) Still no good, went into manage apps, clicked filter. Then went into settings, cleared cache and data. Had to relog into Google, and everywhere else. Still in Spanish. Cookies are enabled, settings are set, and cache cleaned, restarted, and I'm out of ideas now. Oh Yeah, went to Google help and searched, no luck. (That place is a joke )
home - menu - settings - langurage and keyboard - select locale - english
browser - settings - reset to default?
I have found that mine does this only in Wi-Fi mode. I have been looking for a solution. When I switch off Wi-Fi, I need to clear the browser cach to make english the default google page. I need to try this on another wifi networ to see if it is something to do with the DNS on my internet connection.