Problems with roadrunner email


Nov 23, 2009
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I have my droid set up to get my personal email from roadrunner (time warner). It is pulling in messages fine but I am having problems sending. It seems like it will not send out messages if I am not at home on my wireless network. If I am on 3G then it says I get a connection error but there is not a way to see what the error actual is. If I send an email at work using that account it will sit in the outbox until I get home and then it will send. Both my Gmail account and my work email work fine.

Any ideas why?
This has nothing to do with the droid, time warner to reduce the chances of their email being used to spam you can only send email if your using their service.
This has nothing to do with the droid, time warner to reduce the chances of their email being used to spam you can only send email if your using their service.

What do you mean by their service?
Roadrunner doesn't allow SMTP from an outside network to "send" through their you have to be on their network (subnet) to send email via their servers (which is why it works on your home wi-fi). I ran into the same problem years ago but I have my own web domain and the servers hosting that support mail for me so I use an account on that to send out my replies (with all the reply to info in the email configured as my roadrunner email address).
Well that is kind of useless. Is there any other way around it?
Roadrunner doesn't allow SMTP from an outside network to "send" through their network....

I have to question the accuracy of that...I have a roadrunner email on my Droid, and have no problem sending nor receiving email on it..after reading the above I did a test, and it went out and was received with no problem...

Perhaps the threadstarter does not have his/her outgoing port set properly, as roadrunner is one of the emails that needs additional info in the settings to work on a Droid, unlike a hotmail, gmail, or many of the other pop3 emails that simply require you to enter the email address and password during setup.

To further screw things up, if I am not mistaken, with roadrunner, the ports, incoming, and outgoing server info can differ depending on what part of the country you are in.

For me here in Southern California, the server settings are as follows:

Incoming Server Settings -

Username: the full email address, including the @ bah blah blah


POP3 server:

Port: 110

Security type: None

Outgoing Server Settings -

SMTP Server:

Port: 587

Require sign in: is 'checked'

Username: is again the full email address
It's possible they just changed the ports. Years ago.....6, 7, or more I used to send/receive email at work (on our work network) through roadrunner for personal email. Suddenly everything stopped and email was no longer allowed to be sent to the roadrunner mail servers from an outside network. It could be they just started blocking port 25 and allowing port 587. My work around at the time was to use our corporate email server to send email using my personal return address and then eventually to just move "sending" to my web host mail server.

I'll have to try port 587 and see if that works for me on Roadrunner here (Columbia, SC).

Just checked.....yep, port 587 works fine. Thanks for the info.
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Roadrunner doesn't allow SMTP from an outside network to "send" through their network....

I have to question the accuracy of that...I have a roadrunner email on my Droid, and have no problem sending nor receiving email on it..after reading the above I did a test, and it went out and was received with no problem...

Perhaps the threadstarter does not have his/her outgoing port set properly, as roadrunner is one of the emails that needs additional info in the settings to work on a Droid, unlike a hotmail, gmail, or many of the other pop3 emails that simply require you to enter the email address and password during setup.

To further screw things up, if I am not mistaken, with roadrunner, the ports, incoming, and outgoing server info can differ depending on what part of the country you are in.

For me here in Southern California, the server settings are as follows:

Incoming Server Settings -

Username: the full email address, including the @ bah blah blah


POP3 server:

Port: 110

Security type: None

Outgoing Server Settings -

SMTP Server:

Port: 587

Require sign in: is 'checked'

Username: is again the full email address

Thanks for the help. I didn't have the "required sign in " checked on the outgoing message settings. Changed that and now it sent right away over 3G.
Go to Gmail and setup gmail to remote send and recieve your RR mail. It even has an option to show the email actually coming from your rr account and not gmail.
Outgoing email settings Roadrunner

Just wanted to say "thanks." For some reason all my email settings were blown out and when I set my email back up again I was getting a connection error for outgoing messages. I read this discussion, made the changes and I"m back in business!