Since 2/6/11, I haven't been able to successfully make a backup through Bootstrapper. I either get checkmd5 sums error or it gets hung up during the process.
I SBF'd earlier this week and started over from scratch: reroot, reinstalled bootstrapper, and set up all my apps/widgets. I was running pretty smoothly, so I made another backup this morning, and I just tried to restore this morning's backup, but got hung up. Here's what's on the screen:
Checking MD5 sums...
Restoring system...
I've been here for about 20 mins now, and I don't think it's going to progress any further. Should I battery pull and SBF again, since that seems to be my only option from this point? I'm not sure why it's not working and SBFing every few days is getting a little annoying. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I SBF'd earlier this week and started over from scratch: reroot, reinstalled bootstrapper, and set up all my apps/widgets. I was running pretty smoothly, so I made another backup this morning, and I just tried to restore this morning's backup, but got hung up. Here's what's on the screen:
Checking MD5 sums...
Restoring system...
I've been here for about 20 mins now, and I don't think it's going to progress any further. Should I battery pull and SBF again, since that seems to be my only option from this point? I'm not sure why it's not working and SBFing every few days is getting a little annoying. Any help would be greatly appreciated!