Pretty sure yahoo email killed my volume button...


New Member
Jul 13, 2012
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I exchanged out my GS3 for another one because I was irritated with the volume button. It was starting to rattle when you would shake the phone or set it down or even have a phone call with the vibrate on. I first noticed it was progressively getting worse over the period of the last 3 or 4 days. The factory setting in the yahoo mail app has the notification set for a very long vibrate. Its quite violent really. Anyways hated the rattle, and now with the new one took vibrate off of everything except the ring tone. (btw I was getting about 20 emails a day, so there was a lot vibrating going on :p)

New phone has some tighter tolerances on the buttons, and I will see how this one goes. Has anyone else noticed this happening?

Thanks Eric
Actually my volume button does rattle a little bit. I didn't think much of it I guess, I suppose I should have taken a look at a different S3 to see if mine was normal. Too late now though.
Mine is a little loose but it don't rattle...

Give it time lol It will rattle sooner or later.

Or, if you hold your thumb on the glass and your fore fingers on the rear while teeter totter it quickly you can probably hear it jiggle.