Possible Ways to Crack the Bootloader

The author of that blog is the internationally renowned guru on security. Maybe he has a student or colleague I could contact.

{{ WugFresh }}

woah woah woah who hands out these titles??? I am the guru of security. I have been known as that since the days of elementary school when I was the school crossing guard for like 2 days. So you need to call him something else.

Ok. Call him Mufasa.. why is that relevant? He has credibility on an international scale.. is that better.

{{ WugFresh }}
The author of that blog is the internationally renowned guru on security. Maybe he has a student or colleague I could contact.

{{ WugFresh }}

woah woah woah who hands out these titles??? I am the guru of security. I have been known as that since the days of elementary school when I was the school crossing guard for like 2 days. So you need to call him something else.

Ok. Call him Mufasa.. why is that relevant? He has credibility on an international scale.. is that better.

{{ WugFresh }}

haha yeah I guess it's better but I am not sure that cartoon lion is going to appreciate you calling him Mufasa either.

Obviously I am joking. It's late and I can't sleep, I have nothing better to do, sorry. Honestly though I applaud the efforts and am rooting for this to happen. I like the attitude you guys are taking with this!
@czerdrill I hear your voice of reason and raise you my voice of insanity. I know for a fact that regardless of what you say it's never going to be cracked by a nay sayer with no alternate solution.

Are you looking for me to give up based on your uninformed feeling? Tell you that I think I have no chance...? Well I simply don't think that, at least not yet. I believe that in this world, if you seek out the right people, remain oriented towards a common goal.. anything is possible.

I will say however, if my prof. also calls me a looney, I might reconsider the attempt.

{{ WugFresh }}

Haha well I can't argue with that. One thing is for certain, you're gonna be far smarter then you are now whether or not you are successful once your research is done. So who cares? :D

I believe anything is possible too. The bootloader will be cracked...when moto gives us the keys lol.

Now I'm interested in your prof's take on this haha but it's hardly an uninformed feeling...

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Maybe not uninformed... I am not that dense, I hear what you're saying, but I just think screw it. Maybe I could utilize some unconventional mathematical approach that I am not yet aware of, that will randomly extrude data to work with in sets.. and I will hit the loto. I could program some very obscure functions, and by uniformed, I guess I ment.. non expert.. just as I am now. Until I consult numerous experts and they all tell me I am nuts, I assume it can be done.

{{ WugFresh }}

Lotto is a great term to describe it. Except it's a lotto involving every piece of matter in the universe.
As far as expertise, I have a masters in infosec and have years of experience with cryptography. I truly am speaking from experience and not just being the crazy naysayer in the group. I may not be a bruce scheiner but I'm no rookie either haha. I can confidently say the bootloader will never be cracked. The only two possibilties are moto giving the keys or finding some workaround. those two possibilities are also...slim to none. But...good luck!

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Ok. I appreciate your input and respect your credentials. Thank you for weighing in.

{{ WugFresh }}
I don't know if this is helpful, but the longer this post gets the more I'm reminded of this thread I found on xda as part of the project to crack the milestone.

Seems like they were using a similar idea of using many computers on a network to try and bruteforce it. Now, if I'm reading this thread right, hash collisions are something different, but maybe there's something to be gleaned from that thread for someone with a better understanding of these things.
I don't know if this is helpful, but the longer this post gets the more I'm reminded of this thread I found on xda as part of the project to crack the milestone.

Seems like they were using a similar idea of using many computers on a network to try and bruteforce it. Now, if I'm reading this thread right, hash collisions are something different, but maybe there's something to be gleaned from that thread for someone with a better understanding of these things.

It would take hundreds of thousands of computers doing trillions upon trillions of calculations a second (don't quote me on exact numbers haha) to exhaustively brute force even 2^69. Possible? Sure, in theory. Probable? No chance.

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Brute force is not happening. I know that.

And don't tell me hash collisions are not happening either. I already know your opinion on that.

{{ WugFresh }}
Thats less than 2^69, lol. Keep knocking off more exponents.

{{ WugFresh }}
Would only have to do 2^53 actually.... 2 links to check out



Not sure if either actually helps but still....

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Yeah again in theory. Everything is possible in theory, but to date no collision has been found and it's "technologically infeasible" to even try (both points in your linked article). With orders of magnitude that large, 63 and 52 is still a long long long road haha

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What if we Brute force moto's headquarters network administration password.. lol.

{{ WugFresh }}
What if we Brute force moto's headquarters network administration password.. lol.

{{ WugFresh }}

Haha yes, that would open up a world of possibility!

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Lol I will tommorow.... 2 am+ less than 4 hrs sleep night before = hard to concentrate so prolly looking over something.

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