Pocket Empire


New Member
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just started playing Pocket Empire today and was wondering if there was a DroidForums alliance.

If not, anyone want to suggest an alliance or start one?
Just got my Castle to lvl 10 like 30min ago... lol

Great Game, the alliances I found are kind of hard core, like must have millions in resources before you can even apply..

Takes the fun out of the game if you ask me.
I just want to join a casual alliance so i can get the modifiers.
you guys may want to check out the 4fatherz
I am a member and we have all types from hardcore to easy going players find them in the alliance list and click join we have 35 spots open. we will help you rep if you need it
tell them TiTaN sent you
Just downloaded, looks interesting and confusing at the same time
Titan33, it seems your alliance had some min rep requirements. So i ended up joining another one.
Looking at this game in the market. whats the difference between Pocket Empires and Pocket Empires Online? they both have the same discription being a MMO (online) game?
as far as what i was told was that there isnt a pc pocket empire game. but that was 2 months ago..
and i dont know what the difference is between the 2 sorry
you guys may want to check out the 4fatherz
I am a member and we have all types from hardcore to easy going players find them in the alliance list and click join we have 35 spots open. we will help you rep if you need it
tell them TiTaN sent you

just joined the 4fatherz. this game is confusing as all hell but ill get it.