Pocket Carry?


Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
My D1 is finally dead (no EVDO signal) and I've been eying the Pro as a new steed. I've always carried my phone in my pocket, no skin, or case. Is the Pro prone to damage, ie stuck buttons? I assume the screen is still made out of Gorilla Glass like the D1?

Last question - Does the screen turn on when you press any button on the keyboard, or do you have to hit the power button?
My D1 is finally dead (no EVDO signal) and I've been eying the Pro as a new steed. I've always carried my phone in my pocket, no skin, or case. Is the Pro prone to damage, ie stuck buttons? I assume the screen is still made out of Gorilla Glass like the D1?

Last question - Does the screen turn on when you press any button on the keyboard, or do you have to hit the power button?

I also went from the D1 and I have had my pro from the release day, I'm a pocket carrier and have had not problem, thats not a very long time so idk if that will last. the keys wont turn on the screen just the power button
Yea the power button will turn on the screen then you have to slide to unlock.

I still say you get a case and a protective screen just to be on the safe side

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Pocket carry works fine, just be careful because the Pro is a slippery little devil....anything other than jeans will sometimes fall out....
good stuff, just didnt know how the bottons would hold up in the pocket pressed against my pants and/or legs
I work as a machinist and i carry large metal parts against my legs and I lean against a bench alot with my legs and I've had my pro in there a few times lol. But it hasn't messed it up. I would say its holding up good for the punishment it gets

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