How do you carry your phone? Pocket? Belt?


Sanitize your phones asap

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Time for me to buy some hand wipes, lol. I do however always wash my hands after going to the bathroom/restroom. But then again, I've heard when you flush the toilet, it's like aerosol spray, not much you can do about that. I suppose if you were a germaphope, you can constantly clean everything and I mean everything.

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Time for me to buy some hand wipes, lol. I do however always wash my hands after going to the bathroom/restroom. But then again, I've heard when you flush the toilet, it's like aerosol spray, not much you can do about that. I suppose if you were a germaphope, you can constantly clean everything and I mean everything.

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I think this is when the term "ignorance is bliss" comes into play.
I think this is when the term "ignorance is bliss" comes into play.

Yeah, sometimes you just have to look the other way. On a positive note, I heard that germs do help our immune system build up immunity but it never seems to help me in the winter time.

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Pocket. Belt holsters are for nerds.

Goes with my IT job requirements. lol
The habit goes with after-hours but i can conceal it better with an untucked shirt. ;)
Report in the news just said 1 in 6 cell phones have fecal e.coli on them. Careful over the toilet.

Is that a Droid in your pocket???

One, my friend found out the fun way why you shouldn't text while dropping the kids off at the pool.

Two, I use a belt clip, so I'll let you assume that I'm just happy to see you.
Usually in my purse, with the screen against the fabric and away from keys. If no purse, in my front pocket... screen in, "hump" on top.

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I carry mine in my pocket, battery-side out, and upside down.

I tried a belt-clip, but felt like a nerd.

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I carry mine in my pocket, battery-side out, and upside down.

I tried a belt-clip, but felt like a nerd.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk

I do think some of those belt clip cases come with free short sleeve'd dress shirts ;) (Pocket only for me)