Please help Droid masters!!


New Member
Apr 8, 2010
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Ok so when I got this phone the verizon rep transferred all my contacts from my blackberry to the droid in the store. Now I added a contact from my friend named Eric. Yet I go to text him and in the text message it lists him as Adam, who is the second name in my contacts list. Anyone have an idea as to why its doing this?
My recommendation would be to export all your contacts from your BB using Outlook to a .csv file and then uploading that file to your G-mail account.

VZW transfers of contacts have caused issues since day one.

(Delete all your contacts from your G-mail account before you upload the .csv file)
umm, do you have an adam , or ever had an adam on your phone, and when the dude did it for me, my contacts from like a year ago came up so that might be why.
Martin: unfortunately I deleted all my contacts from the BB as ki gave it to my sister. Any other possible remedies?

Droid: Yes, Adam is in my contacts. And he's the second person on there which makes it weird that its listing him as the text recipient. The message is still going to Eric but its labeled as Adam. This may get confusing when one of gthem texts me first. I'm not going to know who its truly from
Were you previously texting Adam? Like to where Adams conversation is also in your Messaging app?
Nope. And I just tried adding a new contact labeled "test" and texting to it and it worked fine. So I am really stumped. I'm wondering if I delete adam and eric and re enter them if that might do anything
you could try writing down the number for both, deleting them , and re-entering them into your phone, maybe that will solve the problem
Deleted both numbers. Entered eric with no adam and tried texting eric. Still labeled it as adam. Oh well. Also, what is the big gold button on the right of the keypad for? Sorry. I'm sure that's a dumb question
there is no such thing as a dumb question, just dumb ppl. jk lol but its used to select stuff, and i had an idea of why it does that. when you go to the contact, hit edit contact and see if you can scroll down, because there might be another name overriding the one you want. the edit contact menu should look like this
That's what I thought it was for. Still stuck in blackberry mode and thought it was trackpad function.

Yeah there must have been a name overrididing it cuz it works now. Thanks!!!