Phone reboots

Btw,i have come to the conclusion that it most likely had to do with The official leaked GB, so the sad reality is I'm gonna have to flash back to froyo. I just dont get why it would start after three weeks,i mean if it was GB wouldn't it have started almost immediately?

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Well if the phone never did it with Froyo and does it with GB that is the obvious conclusion I would draw as well. You could always flash back to .340 and try to reload the GB leak again. I'm about to get rid of my DX for good but I've been playing with the latest version of the leak and no issues here. Could have been a bad flash.

If it still does it then yeah just flash back to .340 and hope it doesn't do it anymore. Once the GB update becomes official then load that up and if it STILL keeps doing it then you have a ticket to a free upgrade or replacement at the Verizon store since it probably won't be very much longer until the DX isn't sold anymore in favor of something nicer and newer.
Well if the phone never did it with Froyo and does it with GB that is the obvious conclusion I would draw as well. You could always flash back to .340 and try to reload the GB leak again. I'm about to get rid of my DX for good but I've been playing with the latest version of the leak and no issues here. Could have been a bad flash.

If it still does it then yeah just flash back to .340 and hope it doesn't do it anymore. Once the GB update becomes official then load that up and if it STILL keeps doing it then you have a ticket to a free upgrade or replacement at the Verizon store since it probably won't be very much longer until the DX isn't sold anymore in favor of something nicer and newer.

I got my Droid X in October, and it did it. When the update came out in December, it still did it. When I upgraded to the first GB leak it did it, and it does it with the latest GB leak.

my girl's month old TB does it, completely stock out of the box.
I'm trying out the GB from the liberty toolbox right now, and it's been running well for me after 2 days. No reboots so far

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Make sure...I didn't install Bump either but when I fresh installed a rooted GB the market installed a bunch of apps without even asking. Bump one of them and it made my X reboot every time I charged it.

Also I've heard that Angry Birds will do it as has to be moved from SD to the phone memory.

Do this and see if it still reboots...remove the SD card, reboot, then when it is finished booting up...plug it in to the charger and see if you have the same problem.

If it went away taking out the SD card then it's an app not playing nice with GB trying to access the card not finding what it needs and rebooting.

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Mine never rebooted, it just started two days ago and ONLY when I plug in a charger (wall,car & desk dock) thats it no other times

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There have been many threads on this issue, for several versions of the OS. We were never able to lock down any sort of pattern. It happens to stock phones, rooted phone, overclocked phones, underclocked, ROM's, etc...

Completely random, but way too common to be a coincidence. Some thought it was a particular app, but others that never had that app had the reboots.

Android is still a buggy platform, it is not as refined as iOS, and the phone itself might have a flaw.

Android vs iOS .. iOS only has to work on a few select pieces of hardware. That's been Apple's strong point for decades. ONLY Apple makes iPhones, so there are only a handful of hardware configurations available. There are several dozen Android phones, all with different specs. Trying to write a universal app that works on every phone running Android OS is much harder to pull off.

It's the same thing you will see with *nix/Windows/Mac computers. Mac tends to be more stable, because only Apple approved hardware and software are allowed. It's great for stability, but I'm a much bigger fan of buggy open source than I am of very rule-bound stability. The number and variety of freeware, shareware, and independently developed programs/apps for open source phones and PCs far outweighs the advantages of a limited number of shiny apps on closed source PCs

Ok, that rant off my chest, I'm going to say that the rebooting issue sucks. I had it on my Devour (POS!!) and switched to DX and have only had specific trouble apps reboot me (notably Bump), since flashing Apex 1.4.1, I had very very few problems. Going to .573 caused some headaches, but now I'm on .588 with Apex 2.0b and loving it to pieces.
mine does it too. usually a few times a day! annoying, but not the end of the world. I've just learned to deal with it.