If you love to customize your device with Roms and themes it would only stand to reason that you would want to do the same with your custom recovery. There is really no option to customize Clock Work Mod or Team Win Recovery Poject. I guess this is what prompted developer ""phil3759" to create the Philz Touch recovery. His recovery is based on CWM and it functions the same. You get a full touch controlled UI and you are able to choose a different background for your recovery. There are several Graphical User Interfaces to choose from including full touch. The GUI is completely customizable. You can change the menu height. This comes in handy if your vision is poor or you need bigger lettering. You can change the menu text color. You can change the menu and header color, as well as menu highlight color. You can toggle the background icon off an on. There are really too many options to list here. Head to the source link for the download and more info.
via XDA