PDANet tethering speeds low?


New Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Well, I just got my Incredible, coming from a BB Storm 9530. so far I love the phone, haven't really done much to it, just downloaded a couple of apps and such. The response time for this phone is outstanding. The only issue I have is that I notice my PDAnet tethering speeds are not that great. I've done various speed tests and average about .43 mps download/ .45 mps uploads. Now the upload speeds are good, but the download speeds seem quite a bit slower than my Storm. Anyone else having any issues with their download speeds?
Downloading is indeed slow, but I use it mostly for browsing anyway.
I would try a speed test directly from your phone and compare those results with what you are seeing from PDANet.

I say this because after installing PDANet for the first time, I accidentally left my WiFi on my phone turned ON.

When I performed the speed test, I got over 10Mbps! I was shocked by this, so I did performed the test a second time and got the very same result.

It was only after I checked the server I was connected to did I realize I was connected to a Comcast server. I checked the phone and noticed I was still connected via WiFi. Once I disabled WiFi on the phone, and got around 600kbps, a bit more like the VZW speeds I was expecting.

My point is that PDANet shouldn't slow you down versus what you get from testing directly on the phone. My WiFi mistake demonstrated that if VZW could provide sufficient bandwidth, the PDANet could stream it just as quickly, without hampering performance.
I have just installed PDAnet only to find the download speeds horrible as well. I tested this 10 times in a row using wired tether and pdanet. PDAnet maxxed out at 1mbit (on my wifi) every single time, and wired tether went at 3mbitss every time. So sad to see such a great little program have such drastic speed issues. (this was over usb not bluetooth)
Yes, my PDANet speeds were atrocious. Partly due to the fact that I tether mostly at work and don't get great reception at my desk.

USB tethered speeds are always going to be better than Bluetooth tethered speeds.
I think it depends on if your in 3G coverage or not because at times I get great speeds with it. I was just wondering if I use it for sites like youtube or anything else that streams videos such as netflix etc etc, will that be a dead give away that I'm tethering? Don't want to look at a trillion dollar phone bill if possible to avoid it!
You signed a 2 year contract for unlimited data and that's what you'll get. They have to honor their side of the deal too.
I sure as hell would hope that's the case but I have heard stories of people using tethering thru pdanet and having a outrageous bill at the end of the month. We'll see next month I guess
Im still running 2.1 on my droid with pda net and get good speeds tethering as long as my 3g sig is good
You signed a 2 year contract for unlimited data and that's what you'll get. They have to honor their side of the deal too.

the 2 year contract also states that wireless tethering is in violation of his contract lol. read it more carefully :)
I think it depends on if your in 3G coverage or not because at times I get great speeds with it. I was just wondering if I use it for sites like youtube or anything else that streams videos such as netflix etc etc, will that be a dead give away that I'm tethering? Don't want to look at a trillion dollar phone bill if possible to avoid it!

See that's not my issue though. I'm not referring to the current signal of my phone and how fast or slow it would be. I'm saying that whatever that signal is.. PDAnet will be even slower. The speed from my phone to the computer is drastically lower than whatever speed I'm getting on the phone is what I'm saying. good or bad signal coverage. (if my 3g is bad PDAnet is almost non-existent speeds)
You signed a 2 year contract for unlimited data and that's what you'll get. They have to honor their side of the deal too.

the 2 year contract also states that wireless tethering is in violation of his contract lol. read it more carefully :)

Yeah I never actually read those super long terms of service things, I don't think most people do. Anyway I do try and keep my monthly use under 5gb, which is pretty easy because when I do tether all I do is surf, the only downloading I do is from iTunes which isn't a whole lot.
I think it depends on if your in 3G coverage or not because at times I get great speeds with it. I was just wondering if I use it for sites like youtube or anything else that streams videos such as netflix etc etc, will that be a dead give away that I'm tethering? Don't want to look at a trillion dollar phone bill if possible to avoid it!

See that's not my issue though. I'm not referring to the current signal of my phone and how fast or slow it would be. I'm saying that whatever that signal is.. PDAnet will be even slower. The speed from my phone to the computer is drastically lower than whatever speed I'm getting on the phone is what I'm saying. good or bad signal coverage. (if my 3g is bad PDAnet is almost non-existent speeds)

You must be right on the edge of 3G coverage. I live out in the middle of nowhere and my 3G signal has only gotten better since I've owned my Incredible for about 2 months now.
I have just installed PDAnet only to find the download speeds horrible as well. I tested this 10 times in a row using wired tether and pdanet. PDAnet maxxed out at 1mbit (on my wifi) every single time, and wired tether went at 3mbitss every time. So sad to see such a great little program have such drastic speed issues. (this was over usb not bluetooth)

It's unlikely it's PDANet's fault that your connection is slow.

Like I mentioned in my post, I was getting over 10Mbps over USB from my DInc's WiFi. This is way more than VZW can provide via radio.

I've yet to get anywhere near 1Mbps with VZW, so count yourself among the lucky.

What phone were you using?