PdaNet and VPN


New Member
Feb 4, 2010
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I'm using PdaNet v2.17 to tether my Verizon Motorola Droid to my laptop and it works very well. The one exception is of course VPN functionality. Is there any way that PdaNet can be made to work with my VPN client, which is WatchGuard Mobile VPN version 10.04 build 12? I find PdaNet indespensible because it allows me to be "connected" virtually any where, but without VPN functionality what I can accomplish while connected is limited.

If PdaNet can't be made to work with my VPN client is there another solution that will allow me to tether and use my VPN client?
VPN Blues

I am also attempting to connect to my corporate VPN using PDAnet. So if I try via my PC connection it fails at the authentication. I am actually able to connect to the VPN using the droid vpn and ping a machine behind the firewall, but the VPN connection terminates after a couple of susing the seconds? Anybody tell me if this issue sounds like a VPN issue or VZW issue?
Sounds like VPN. I've heard of probs with the stock VPN. Maybe look into custom ROM. Try DroidMod - Everything Droid doesn't, DroidMod does. . Has the ability to go back to stock 2.0.1 if you don't like it. Tried it myself and it's perfectly safe as long as you read the directions carefully and make sure you have a backup. Which it pretty much does for you. : ) Haven't tried VPN on it yet though. I have windows 7 and am having problems connecting to the built in IPsec. : /

Give it a try and let us know what you find out.
I use VPN to my company with no issues, but I run the VPN client on my laptop. It this case it is the Cisco VPN client, but I've had no issues at all working this way. You are tethering, you should use the laptop as you would if you were on a WiFi network or on your home network.

You should also note that the test version only supports http or at least that is what their documentation says.
I paid for the full version of PdaNet and I am running my VPN client on my laptop.
VPN blues

I am using the full version. Can't connect to my vpn using my laptop. Having some short term success (like seconds) usign the droid vpn. Dang...shouldn't be this hard. I'm a vpn illiterate. Anybody have some tips where I can find out why my corporate vpn is not authenticating me? Ask me questions and I'll find out the answers...thanks guys

edit...when I ask my network admin what we have: PPTP VPN, port 1732 prot 47 gre ,, mppe encrypt ,, ms-chap and ms-chap v2. Mean anything to any of you?
Unfortunately, PDAnet does not work with my VPN client. Tried different things three ways to Sunday. Its almost like the VPN client doesn't know where the Internet is.
PdaNet is a great product and it would be terrific if they would improve it to support VPN clients as so many of us need to use it for that.
Version 2.41 is the latest greatest version on their site. Make sure you update both the Droid client and the PC / Mac client as both sides must be on the same version number.
Pdanet works great with the contivity VPN client that I use to connect to the office.
I'm embarrassed to say that I received the notification of v2.41 being available, became distracted and never downloaded it. I just downloaded, installed and tested it and I appear to now have VPN functionality without timeout via USB tether! Outstanding!
Update - With v2.41 I'm able to connect to VPN and access corporate resources, but my connection DOES timeout after approximately 10 minutes. So, v2.41 is a definite improvement in that I'm able to connect and stay connected for 10 minutes, but it's disappointing that my connection timesout after 10 minutes.
You might want to see if there is a more current client available for your PC. I know they are on at least v10.1. I don't know which side (PDAnet or your client) is having the issue, but it's always best to start with the latest available s/w.
I just downloaded WatchGuard Mobile VPN v10.2, will try it and report back.