I believe it best to be specific about the N7 versions, as some of us have the WiFi only models, and since the 4.4 updates are for the N7, would it not be advantageous to identify the exact model of N7 this would work for?
I get my hopes raised when I see builds available for the N7, but they are dashed when I read they are for the phone versions only.
I have a phone, so buying a phablet is not fiscal responsibility for us.
Please consider the WiFi only users here, we too, have JB 4.3, and would love to update our builds to stay current, but wait for the 'official' build to be announced via the 'usual' bothersome method.
I unlocked my bootloader, and rooted the N7, but will not tinker with the build unless I am certain I will not lock up my tablet and reduce it to 'platter' status, best used to serve toast on.....
No MD5, no need for the CDMA radio baseband data....I have -39 dBm WiFi around my 2.5 acres, thanks to my commercial collinear antenna and 1/2" Heliax cable (LDF4-50) at 30'.