The first unboxing video for the new OnePlus One has hit the web on YouTube. This one comes straight from the developers, and it features CyanogenMod's own Steve Kondik doing the heavy lifting in the video. Sadly, it's really more of a teaser, because it doesn't actually show the device... just the read and white packaging.
The final unveiling for the phone will happen on April 23rd. We already know the phone will cost $400 USD, and will come with some powerful specs, including a Snapdragon 801 processor, a 13 megapixel camera, and a 5.5-inch 1080p display. Of course, it will also include a custom version of CyanogenMod as its OS of choice.
Overall, it looks like these guys are really trying to live up to their company slogan, "Never settle."
Source: Google+ - OnePlus