So after surviving a broken volume rocker, broken headphone jack, and a broken power button, my droids giving up. My screen has been on the fritz for the past two days, randomly selecting things, and after trying many different things, it still won't stop. So today I want to bring it into the verizon store to see if I could get a replacement, but first I have some questions.
1. What will I be expecting in terms of replacement? Does verizon have any more left OG droids or will I be getting a d2 or dx instead?
2. Is there no hope of a replacement if I'm out of warranty? Because I've had the phone for well over a year.
3. I am rooted, so should I just flash a stock rom and hide my root icons, or would it be better to just sbf it? I would much prefer the former.
Any answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
1. What will I be expecting in terms of replacement? Does verizon have any more left OG droids or will I be getting a d2 or dx instead?
2. Is there no hope of a replacement if I'm out of warranty? Because I've had the phone for well over a year.
3. I am rooted, so should I just flash a stock rom and hide my root icons, or would it be better to just sbf it? I would much prefer the former.
Any answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!