Hey everyone,
I just wanted to take a minute to lay claim to the official adoption of the sarcasm tags. With this being the internet and all, sometimes there is necessity to ensure that no one mistakes sarcasm for stupidity. Having said that I want to officially adopt the universal sarcasm tags. They work a lot like HTML in the regards that you open and close them with tags. Here's an example:
Wicked: Man, I love my original iPhone, it sends picture messages like a boss. If Steve Jobs were here I would give that man a hug!
Please not that in this usage we see that Wicked is very fond of his original iPhone. An intelligent person might read his post and think "This guy is smart like a tractor, doesn't he know the first iPhone doesn't send picture messages?!"
Let's do this again with the new universal sarcasm tags!
Wicked: <sarcasm>Man, I love my original iPhone, it sends picture messages like a boss. If Steve Jobs were here I would give that man a hug!</sarcasm>
With this usage the same intelligent person from the first post would likely think something like, "This Wicked guy is pretty clever and funny... I bet he is all that is man, and smells like Chuck Norris, and napalm!"
WARNING: Much like actual programming code, you'll want to ensure that you properly open and close your tags, or bad things are bound to happen!
I just wanted to take a minute to lay claim to the official adoption of the sarcasm tags. With this being the internet and all, sometimes there is necessity to ensure that no one mistakes sarcasm for stupidity. Having said that I want to officially adopt the universal sarcasm tags. They work a lot like HTML in the regards that you open and close them with tags. Here's an example:
Wicked: Man, I love my original iPhone, it sends picture messages like a boss. If Steve Jobs were here I would give that man a hug!
Please not that in this usage we see that Wicked is very fond of his original iPhone. An intelligent person might read his post and think "This guy is smart like a tractor, doesn't he know the first iPhone doesn't send picture messages?!"
Let's do this again with the new universal sarcasm tags!
Wicked: <sarcasm>Man, I love my original iPhone, it sends picture messages like a boss. If Steve Jobs were here I would give that man a hug!</sarcasm>
With this usage the same intelligent person from the first post would likely think something like, "This Wicked guy is pretty clever and funny... I bet he is all that is man, and smells like Chuck Norris, and napalm!"
WARNING: Much like actual programming code, you'll want to ensure that you properly open and close your tags, or bad things are bound to happen!