"Official" Beautiful Widgets Skinning Thread

heres mine.


--- ooh i likes... care 2 share?
dont mind at all.

thanks now - if we can only skin the indiv widgets :)
Can we use any type of icon for the weather?
.pngs are necessary i believe

im still new at this skinning stuff. I was wanting to make a buckeyes theme for my widget and maybe use the " o" for the sun/moon, maybe red for day and gray for night, and then maybe the buckeye " leaves" for the clouds? I really dont know what i am doing with this skinning stuff but I know I want that skin! :)
how do i make the images to fit for the skin? i have a couple to use but i have no photoshop experience. i only have the photoshop.com to use. and it is pretty basic.any help would be appreciated.
I made a Pink Floyd one if anyone cares to look at it. It's not too great, but I like it.


First two are smaller home, second two are normal home.
*********** - online file sharing and storage - download (2) The Dark Side.zip
Comments are greatly appreciated..
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@ ludi, i like the mix and match on the darkedge icons.
also you can attach em on your post.
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does anybody have the blue skin zip file for Beautiful Widgets?
I've tried everything but the gold does not change to blue for the clock.

Thanks in advance for your help.
OK - 928 - love the new skins. How do you install these? I see they are not in the WIdget as a downloadable skin. i download the zip file then what? I tried reading through all the posts but 113 pages or more was too much lol.

Thanks for any help.