Odd Robotic Sound


Nov 12, 2011
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Now don't get me wrong, I know Droid is all about the robotic effects, but every once in a while, my speaker sounds all muffled and warped. Often it happens when watching YouTube videos, or when my notification sound occurs. The best I can describe it is an echoing, strange muffled sound. Any ideas what the deal is?

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Not sure why it happens. My bionic has done it off and on since launch day. I recall my od doing it too. It is annoying but does not happen very often so i've just lived with it.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Are you perhaps charging the phone when this happens???? The phone has a fully charged notification on it... that may be it. If your not charging, then idk. Hope this helps???

sent from my RAZR MAXX
I've heard this with mine, too. It sounds like the audio is super compressed or clipped

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Happened to me once or twice also.

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Also a problem here. I've had it occur on video playback and ringtones for incoming calls. Happens infrequently and can't figure what causes it. I usually take it as a sign its time to reboot.

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It's not when i'm charging, but I do appreciate the response. Also it's good to know mine isn't the only one.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Now don't get me wrong, I know Droid is all about the robotic effects, but every once in a while, my speaker sounds all muffled and warped. Often it happens when watching YouTube videos, or when my notification sound occurs. The best I can describe it is an echoing, strange muffled sound. Any ideas what the deal is?

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That's the android voice mumbling under it's breath...
I have heard this once or twice also on notifications for text messages. And bbtkd is right, it sounds like the andriod mumbling.
Happens occasionally on mine and my wife's as well.

With all the other issues this phone has had, that one I just ignored because it didn't really last long or anything.
This has happened on my bionic my wifes bionic and 4 different Droid x's
Not a huge problem but it does happen
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Happens on mine to. Sometimes lowering the volume then raising it helps, sometimes doesn't. Pretty annoying and surprised it happens at all.

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Happens to me too! Usually when im listening to music and a notification comes through. After the sound of the notification ends and the attempt reverts back to my music or whatever it sounds muffled and slightly echoed. I usually stop play back and restart to correct. Very irritating

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