No useful screen lock for droid/evo?


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
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OK guys I just got my EVO yesterday and I have being searching google and the app store to no end and have being trying screen lock app after app.

The issue is all the screen locks either disable screen lock but have no time out (useless for me) or else they're nothing more than a widget short cut to the button up top.

What I'm trying to get is the default behavior of a blackberry. Oh and when I say "screen locked" I mean with a password (pin, circles whatever).

Basically you want to be able to set a timeout (say 1 hour) for the screen to lock so as you're messing with the phone (or driving) it's not locking every time the screen blanks. You also want a quick touch button like the one up top or even an on screen touch button that immediately locks the screen for say when you're walking away from your desk at work.

Droid by default can do one or the other. Not both. You can either set a timeout or an instant lock, not both. Very annoying.

All the screen lock apps I've downloaded either where just cosmetic stuff like changing the way you unlock etc. or else they were nothing more than short cuts to the button up top which doesn't help me because I still can't set a timeout and have a quick on demand lock. None of the screen lock apps I found actually change or add functionality with the exception of the never lock apps such as "no lock" etc. They have no timeout though and just leave it unlocked forever. Useless in my opinion.

Is there such an app out there and I'm just not finding it?

Did you try widgetclocker? I believe you can change the timeout

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I have not tried that one. It's a paid app which is fine if it works but hate to blow money purchasing a bunch of apps to see if they work or not. I don't see anything in the description about it working. Also it looks like it carries a lot of bloat and features which is great and all but all I want is a simple lock screen on demand or timeout if I forget to lock.
You can always just uninstall and refund. You don't have to keep the paid app if you don't like it as long as you uninstall within 24 hours. I use WL and it has many options for customizing. Plus, if you feel the need, you can change the style and add widgets.
I was not aware of the refund option. Thanks for that tip. So with widgetlocker you can instantly lock the screen (requiring pin to unlock) with a press of the power button? or is it an onscreen widget? yet if you leave it to blank the screen on its own it will not lock until your pre-determined timeout happens (say 30 minutes)?
There are several apps that you can use to set a timer for the screen to timeout
I was not aware of the refund option. Thanks for that tip. So with widgetlocker you can instantly lock the screen (requiring pin to unlock) with a press of the power button? or is it an onscreen widget? yet if you leave it to blank the screen on its own it will not lock until your pre-determined timeout happens (say 30 minutes)?

Yeah, when you pay for an app, if you uninstall within 24 hours it will say uninstall and refund rather than just uninstall in the market. You can download an onscreen widget that will allow you to instantly lock and you can set it on the lockscreen. Also for screen time out widgets
Wait, maybe I misunderstood. WidgetLocker replaces your current lockscreen allowing you to add wigets and apps to it and what not. Then, there are several widgets to do the tasks you're asking if you're just wanting to have them on your home screen
From all the reviews I've read widgetlocker does not do what I want. If someone on the forum actually has it please chime in.

Simply I want something that will lock the screen (password required) when I press the button (physical or touch screen). However if the screen blanks on its own I only want it to lock with a password after a time frame (30 minutes).

I found two apps in review that do what I want "Lock Delay" and "Auto Lock" however both only work on droid 2.1 or older and not the 2.2 on my EVO.
Oh, so, you want something that will allow you to easy wake the device for so long before it requires the password?
Oh, so, you want something that will allow you to easy wake the device for so long before it requires the password?

I had to think about the way you worded that but yes I think that's exactly it. Basically when I'm busy playing around with my phone I don't want it locking and requiring a password every time the screen blanks. However if it just sits there for a while it needs to lock (say 30 min).
It also needs to instant lock with password when you tap the power button and intentionally blank the screen.
This is the way the black berrys behave by default and it's such a logical and useful way I'm so surprised that droid does not or even support it.
Manual Lock (Press The Button) - requires password unlock
No Activity Screen Blank Timer - no password on unlock
No Activity For (X Time > Screen Blank Time) - requires password

Press the power button and you have to enter a password.

Leave the phone sit for 1 minute and the screen blanks, but the phone does not lock...

Leave the phone sit for 10 minutes and the phone locks...

(1 minute and 10 minute timers should be adjustable)

I loved this functionality with my BlackBerry and I second your vote that Android should do the same!

Oh, so, you want something that will allow you to easy wake the device for so long before it requires the password?

I had to think about the way you worded that but yes I think that's exactly it. Basically when I'm busy playing around with my phone I don't want it locking and requiring a password every time the screen blanks. However if it just sits there for a while it needs to lock (say 30 min).
It also needs to instant lock with password when you tap the power button and intentionally blank the screen.
This is the way the black berrys behave by default and it's such a logical and useful way I'm so surprised that droid does not or even support it.
Not only do Blackberrys do it but it's just how a regular computer desktop works.
Say in Windows for example.
Hit button for instant lock (ctr-alt-del) - password required to get back in.
Let sit for 1 min with no activity and screen blanks - NO password required to get back in.
Let sit for 10 min and screen locks - password required to get back in.

I need to learn how to write apps for Droid and make this :) I'm just amazed there's no 3rd party apps in the market that add this simple ability.