No service:(


New Member
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Does anyone know why this might happen? iv done a factory reset and unrooted and still nothing. Is there any other way besides a factory reset/hard reset to erase everything on my phone?? if anyone could help please do cuz it would help so much! :D
hmm well that would make sense but i cant cuz after i reset the phone it said the dialer is "not installed" so idk what that means :-/
yep yep:( i really dont know what happened with it. Should i just take it to a verizon store??
If its under warrenty i might would do that and see what they say if you cant perform another factory reset.
ya its under warranty. Well when i did the factory reset it took forever cuz pressing on the android at the beginning wasnt working so it was stuck there. but ill take it to a store, thanks!:)