No option to move certain apps in 2.2


Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Havertown, PA

I have noticed that several applications I have DL'd to my Motorola Droid 1 don't give an option to move to SD card in the "Manage Application" section. Is there something I'm not doing right or do we have to wait for the application manufacturer to program that option in their app? Kinda defeats having that functionality if only a handful of apps are able to take advantage of this.


I have noticed that several applications I have DL'd to my Motorola Droid 1 don't give an option to move to SD card in the "Manage Application" section. Is there something I'm not doing right or do we have to wait for the application manufacturer to program that option in their app? Kinda defeats having that functionality if only a handful of apps are able to take advantage of this.


This has to be enabled by the developer for each program. Theoretically, they test and optimize the app for running off of the SD before they enable it. Also, some apps that provide core functionality and shouldn't be installed to the SD at all. They would cease to work while the SD is mounted on a computer.

We should get a lot more apps with this option as Froyo becomes widespread. If you haven't already seen it, I'd recommend a free app in the market called "App 2 SD" as an easy way to see which apps you can move.
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Thanks dkscudder!

I'll check it out. This was one of the Froyo features I was looking forward to the most.
