Hello, Not sure if this was posted anywhere else, but i was looking for a way to remove the battery % in the notification icon. The Rom is amazing and great either way, perfectly working my d2g much better then it was before, thanks much for any help and the great rom!
There is a way, but it takes quite a bit of hacking. It's android specific instead of rom specific. This pretty much works for any Android device. The battery icon (along with most other system related images) are in framework-res.apk and have the extension "png" (don't fart with any *.9.pngs, you'll be eating a sh1t sandwich and SBFing to fix). The battery pngs are called when Android need them (e.g. when your battery gets to 10%, the system will call the png entitled "stat_sys_battery_10.png" and display it in your notification bar).
You'll need to pull the framework-res.apk from you're phone's /system/framework folder (look around for how to do this on your system).
Once the apk is on your computer, extract /res folder to a devoted folder (keep it as simple as possible... it gets complex (at least for me it was)). APKs are renamed zip files and your archive program should be able open them. APKs are compiled into binary format and can't be edited unless you decompile the framework. That's not the case with image files. Any image file (except *.9.png) can be replaced without compiling a new framework.
Once extracted open the /res/drawable-hdp folderi. This is where the battery pngs reside. You can do whatever you want to the battery images, edit them and get rid of the % with Gimp (or PS), but that will be a lot of work. Better yet, just find a battery theme you like (I like Fission's
Once you've replaced the battery icons in drawable-hdpi, you'll have to replace this revised drawable-hdpi to the /res folder in the archive (the apk file). I'm on linux and that's pretty much by dragging and dropping... I'm not sure how to do that in winbloze (you'll have to figure that out by searching this forum).
You'll then need to push the revised Framework-res.apk to the root of the SD card.
Here's how I do it...
Make sure and save a copy of the original framework-res.apk you pulled from your device.
Command line:
- su (if your not greeted with "#" (you'll have to be rooted))
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system (this works for my d2g, should work for yours)
- dd if=/sdcard/framework-res.apk of=/system/framework/framework-res.apk
You'll be replacing a file used by the system (kind of nerve wracking)... Android don't like it. You might see a bunch of FCs or it might reboot automatically.
If you choose to pursue this endeavor, you'll find it is pretty time consuming. The guys that create these ROMs are to be commended. This is, I'm sure, a relatively easy task for them compared to the rest of the crap they have to accomplish in getting the ROM together (thanks Angel and Fenuxx).
You can see in the image, the battery icon is different than the original ROM (btw, I've installed AngelRom and not HeXan )