Nexus S Gingerbread Drawer VS Motorola Gingerbread Drawer


Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
What do you guys think?

Nexus S

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im liking gingerblur. For once motorola did something right.
Definitely moto on this one. Nexus's drawer just looks like a cheesy 90's attempt at 3D. Never did like it lol. Not to mention the functionality of the moto drawer, ie groups and deleting apps directly from drawer w/o having to go through settings.

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how weird is it we giving motorola credit for their software.
Took them long enough. I have always been pleased with moto, I have been one of the fortunate ones that has not had problems with my phone (knock on wood). And I plan on staying with moto.
how weird is it we giving motorola credit for their software.

I thought the exact same thing!
3rd time is the charm, I guess lol...2.1...2.2...2.3

Took them long enough. I have always been pleased with moto, I have been one of the fortunate ones that has not had problems with my phone (knock on wood). And I plan on staying with moto.

Started with the D1 and was fully pleased. Now having the X for almost 6 months..I'm satisfied with Moto. The whole locked bootloader is a moot point for me anymore.
Hardware has been 100% reliable for me.
I won't be jumping ship anytime soon!
I understand why they lock it down they have to protect their product. I say make the hackers pay to hack. You want to hack then you should buy the key, and purchase an official rsdlite program from them. And I would sell the sbf files, but that is just me if I was in charge at moto.
I understand why they lock it down they have to protect their product. I say make the hackers pay to hack. You want to hack then you should buy the key, and purchase an official rsdlite program from them. And I would sell the sbf files, but that is just me if I was in charge at moto.

Seems very ridiculous for them to do something like that while running an Open Source OS.. I don't really understand why they don't allow you to claim rooted/bricked phones under the insurance though.. Make it $150 for root related problems as opposed to whatever the cost is now
I understand why they lock it down they have to protect their product. I say make the hackers pay to hack. You want to hack then you should buy the key, and purchase an official rsdlite program from them. And I would sell the sbf files, but that is just me if I was in charge at moto.

Seems very ridiculous for them to do something like that while running an Open Source OS.. I don't really understand why they don't allow you to claim rooted/bricked phones under the insurance though.. Make it $150 for root related problems as opposed to whatever the cost is now

Their software is not open source, android is. If you want moto to give you an unlocked device then you will get what you saw with the d1 where you have to buy your own software like swype, skype, etc. Moto paid a premium to include swype in their software and they have all rights to protect people from putting it on an AOSP Rom. Just like you cant take angry birds and modify it and call it any ducks and try and make money off it. If you damage your phone by modifying the software you should pay this will keep people from wasting moto's time and money by rushing into things. Open is a double edged sword and people do not understand with openness comes responsibility. I see too many people jumping on a one click root and not understanding the process. Moto should lock it down because they have to protect against malicious apps and people not paying attention. If moto charges $35 for the key, $25 for the rsdlite program, and $15 for each rsdlite file they would either have people reconsider rushing into modding or make some money back off of people bricking their phones. We all mess up and it can happen to me, and when it does I just have to own it and pay for it.
Apparently Sony Ericson figured out a way to unlock the bootloader while protecting the interest of them and their affiliates.

Sent from my DROID2 of shame.
sony is doing like moto 2 yrs ago, they want to build hype. They will do what it takes to get customers. THe playstation phone is a kid phone, its not worth a 2 yr contract imo.
The way I see it is that the phone manufacturers should give the end user SU access from the start. Have some features hidden or locked and the PW be in the manual or something, to prevent people from blundering into something they don't understand and brick the phone, of course. But everything should be fairly open.


I don't care if Moto paid/got paid to put certain apps with the Droid X. I don't care if VZ did/got the same. These phones are more and more like desktop computers. Hell, Android is being called the "Windows of Phones" - It doesn't matter. I bought the phone. I didn't lease it. I didn't rent it. I bought it. It is mine. The data package is a subsidy...and even after contracts run out, they charge that amount. It's a screwed up business model.

If you bought a PC, would you allow Dell, HP, Sony, whoever to say what you can and cannot access with it? Do they not also come with software bundles, not unlike the Droid series? Do they say that they can refuse warranty because you installed Linux on it or changing to XP when it came with Win7 on it? No. They don't. But these same people make smart phones and suddenly they can.

I wouldn't buy a computer that I didn't have root access or administrative access to, would you? Cell phone not withstanding. Hell, the little iPod I have in my car that is nothing more than a glorified CD changer is also jailbroken, mostly out of spite.
I understand why they lock it down they have to protect their product. I say make the hackers pay to hack. You want to hack then you should buy the key, and purchase an official rsdlite program from them. And I would sell the sbf files, but that is just me if I was in charge at moto.

Seems very ridiculous for them to do something like that while running an Open Source OS.. I don't really understand why they don't allow you to claim rooted/bricked phones under the insurance though.. Make it $150 for root related problems as opposed to whatever the cost is now

Their software is not open source, android is. If you want moto to give you an unlocked device then you will get what you saw with the d1 where you have to buy your own software like swype, skype, etc. Moto paid a premium to include swype in their software and they have all rights to protect people from putting it on an AOSP Rom. Just like you cant take angry birds and modify it and call it any ducks and try and make money off it. If you damage your phone by modifying the software you should pay this will keep people from wasting moto's time and money by rushing into things. Open is a double edged sword and people do not understand with openness comes responsibility. I see too many people jumping on a one click root and not understanding the process. Moto should lock it down because they have to protect against malicious apps and people not paying attention. If moto charges $35 for the key, $25 for the rsdlite program, and $15 for each rsdlite file they would either have people reconsider rushing into modding or make some money back off of people bricking their phones. We all mess up and it can happen to me, and when it does I just have to own it and pay for it.

No no no. Moto shouldn't be screwing with the os anyways. Manufactures screwing around with the os is what delays updates. As for selling the sfbs, moto cant because android is owned by google.

And root related problems would be non existent if we didn't have to hack to get it. Shipping android without root is like MS shipping windows without an admin account.

And rooting has nothing to do with piracy. I bought my X for its hardware and android. Not for motor blurr. They can protect swipe et al with drm that doesnt lock the bootloader.

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