Nexus 5X Review Compilation


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

As we have figured out in the past, sometimes bringing together a horde of reviews for you folks to peruse is far more valuable than just sharing our opinion on a product. To that end, we have a couple of review compilations for you to check out. This first one is a series of links for Google Nexus 5X reviews.

For the most part, it appears the consensus is that the Nexus 5X is a capable and impressive device. It's mostly "future-proof" except for only having Gorilla Glass 3 and 2GB RAM. Some of the reviewers pointe out it's a bit jarring to adapt to USB Type C, but that helps with the future-proofing. The reviewers approved of the fact that most people should be able to use the Nexus 5X one-handed, and they also enjoyed its great new camera. Ultimately, the reviews were quite positive and most of them intimated that the Nexus 5X is a great value for your dollar.

Here are links to some of the reviews we found:
The next review compilation we have coming up is for the Google Nexus 6P. Stay Tuned!

Also, be sure to check out our dedicated Nexus 5X section for further discussion: Nexus 5X (2015) | Android Forum at
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