

New Member
Oct 24, 2010
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I have been waiting to get a Droid for some time now. I wanted to get the Droid X or Incredible and will some day. However, for now I am working with the Droid. Now that I have one in my hand, I am at somewhat of a lost as to what to do with it! :)
I have managed to update contacts, calendar and set up the email. Was hoping to get some ringtones, games and stuff like that, but haven't tried yet.
I don't want to spend extra money in doing all of this, I needs are pretty basic.
Anyone want to help an old guy figure out this new tech stuff? Thanks, I will go back to reading the manual and pressing buttons now. :icon_ banana:

Welcome inmate #129923
welcome to the forum!! take some time to browse around in the Droid Discussions area, as well as the Droid Apps area. there's tons of helpful info, and even more friendly people to open up your Droid world! ;) you've got a powerful device in your hands - work that beast!! :)
I am still working on deciding what I need and don't need on this thing
I had heard there are some apps you just don't want to use. Trying to stay away from those types.
Mwhartman: You may be older, I am 52, but I have learned: "it isn't the years, it's the miles!"
Thanks for the input all. I only have so much time to spend learning about this, but will try to let you know my progress.

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