I just got my DX about a week ago. I love it. I am having issues with tethering through easytether. I had the OG droid and had 0 issues with this. When I plug my DX into the computer, it gives me the options on my phone to connect to PC, use as a mass storage device, windows something, and another option. Which one do I choose? I select PC connect and it doesn't connect. Is there a step by step thing I can look at to get my X tethered? On my compter when I go to my easytether icon, it says not connected. This sucks because I don't have the internet where I live and this is the only source that I have. I know when I was using my OG droid I had to make sure debugging was on...and for some reason I can't find it...I know there a lot of randomness...I guess what I am wondering, is why wont it work....