New to Droid X

On the titanium thing, do I have to click on each app and click backup? Because that is taking forever lol. And I'll tell you when I'm done with bootstrapper

Hit the menu button and then hit batch. There are several options there. One of them should be batch backup all user apps with data or something like that.

tappin and a talkin
Okay, and those are just basically the apps that I downloaded after I got the phone? Is bootstrapper gunna save my contacts? That's really the only thing I dont wanna lose is my contacts lol
That will backup all apps you've downloaded. The best way to save your contacts imo is to open the contacts app and hit menu and then import/export and then export contacts to sd. That way they can easily be retrieved whether or not your rom has blur.

tappin and a talkin
Alright kool. Well bootstrapper is doing that progress bar thing. And then what do I do when it loads back up?
Then comes the hard part. You'll have to find the Rom that's right for you and then download it and place it on the root of your SD card.

tappin and a talkin
Hey, is this a rom? "" if so, what do I do with it?
Poop on a pancake. I forgot one crucial step. We need to know what system version you are on and make sure it is up to date.

tappin and a talkin
Lol it's kool. It's the latest. 340 or whatever. Don't worry, I made sure I updated it before I started messing with it. Alright, so after I download the rom, factory reset, and run it. How am I suppost to recover everything if it's set back to factory reset?
Oh god i could kiss you. Sorry its late. Anyway yes that is indeed a rom. What you would do is download it from your computer (i assume your on your computer, you can do it from the phone but its a sizable file so compy will be faster) and then place the .zip file on the root of your sd card, meaning not in any folders.

tappin and a talkin
Lol ya, I mean, I'm new to this whole droid thing, but I've hacked soo many ipod touches, iphones, and ipads it's not even funny. Updates is one of the first things I researched lol. But ya, if you didnt noticed. I edited my last post, but if you don't see it. After I factory reset and load this rom. How do I get everything back?
Ok what's going to happen when you load it up is its going to be like you just opened the box on your amazing phone for the first time. You'll have to go through activation again. Once that's done and you're on the homescreen you will open up your market to see that it is redownloading all of your apps. Find titanium backup on that list and open it up and hit cancel download. Then find it again and initiate the download again. This will prioritize titanium and as the first download. Once it finishes dling you will open it and do a batch restore of all missing apps with data. Then it will start restoring the apps and data one at a time.

tappin and a talkin
Alright, last night then. What do you mean by "Activation"?
When you first turn the phone on after a factory data reset it will bring you up to the activation screen where you may have to call for activation or not but will def have to sync your gmail acct. Its the thing you did the first time you turned the phone on. Unless a vzw rep did it.

tappin and a talkin
Ya. I verizon representative set this phone up and my dad bought me this phone. I don't have the password. How am I supposed to activate this thing?
The only password you need is for the gmail acct if you don't have that just ask your dad for it. Its an innocuos enough question.

tappin and a talkin