New to Droid 2 from Droid 1

Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
As the title states, I'm new to Droid 2. I upgraded and am now the proud owner of an R2D2 Droid 2 and I love it. Within the first hour I rooted solely to get rid of the startup sound, but the rooting bug is grabbing a hold of me. When I was on Droid 1 I rooted here and there, and did a custom pull down, so I'm a little familiar with rooting. However the Droid 2 is waaaay different, so I have a few questions:
1. Is bootstrap the only way to do back ups?
2. Can I still do custom pull down/blinds the same way? i.e. get a pull down/blind and replace the image then use metamorph or to install
3. Is jrummy's Droidoverclock app the only way to overclock?

That's all I can think of right now, thanks in advance!
Aw man, kinda late to get a droid 2, the droid 3 is gonna be out in a couple months.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
True but I've wanted this phone since before it came out and I'm a huge Star Wars nerd so it was a given. As far as overclocking, can you do it like on the Droid 1 with setcpu and custom kernels?
Bootloader....locked...horribly. But it can be over clocked just get the app it's the easiest way and it has a lot of other nice features including a widget.
I got the app the night I rooted and its a lot easier, just curious.