Galaxy Nexus users! We have been waiting since release day for Nightly releases from the Cyanogen team! The wait is finally over. This is still in Beta and no Stable build has been released but nightlies are rolling out as of 2/24. Everything seems to be working in this build. Apparently this is not as feature rich as some of the other Roms that are already available for the Gnex like CodeNameAndroid, AOKP, and others. However the features will come. These early nightly builds are all 100% stable and can be ran as your daily driver. It is exciting to see this finally released for our devices.

Some features include, Notification widgets, CyanBread main theme, Lockscreen customizations, custom carrier, file manager, custom screen rotation including 180 degree, cmsettings with tons of customization options, home button animation tweak, on screen navigation customization, lots of tweaks and mods, and lots of other features. The only thing that isn't included is the ThemeManager that we have become accustomed to with Cyanogen. That and other mods will come with future releases!
Grab the Rom and discuss here!
Grab the Rom and discuss here!