Droid 2 users it must be nice to see continued development on your phone being that it is two generations out! Available now for your device is a new MIUI v4 Rom developed by "DarkCricket". This Rom is based on WIUI for the Defy and CyanogenMod9. So this will have all the MIUI features that you have come to love plus all the ICS goodness from CM9! It should be noted that this is still very much beta, but is reported to be mostly functional and a stable build.

A list of what is working includes CDMA radio, GSM radio, SMS, Bluetooth, GPS, wifi, sensors, audio, Dsp manager, Google talk, sdcard, voice input, hardware acceleration, charging works (not so well when phone is turned off), usb, 1% battery hack, Torch. This could easily be a daily driver for some but for others the deal breaker will be that the camera is not yet working.
It is imperative to SBF to the gingerbread kernel before installing this Rom. This is beta and as such is buggy if you would like to see further development of this Rom join in the development conversation, flash the rom, report problems that is what this community is all about anyhow right?!
Grab The Rom and discuss here!