T-mobile has been out for the kill lately! They just rolled out their new program to leach customers from other carriers. Their deal is very tempting and if their coverage wasn't horrendous in my area I would have already taken them up on their incredible offer. They are offering to pay all of your Early termination fees if you decide to switch over to T-mobile. This is a hard deal to beat. In general their phones are easier to hack and they tend to get alot of the phones that Verizon passes on, and they get these phones much quicker. If you were thinking about making the jump, but still don't have the cash for a new device no problems. According to Rom developer "yirsung" you can use his rom to make your Verizon LG G2 work on T-mobile. This works because the VS980 has support for GSM out of the box.
His Rom is simply the T-mobile stock based on the latest T-mo update. It includes all T-mobile stock features, it is rooted with busybox and Loki patch! It is mostly stock but that doesn't mean yirsung didn't take the liberty to add a few enhancements. Tweaks include Better signal, fixed LTE, working GPS, working Wifi calling, rotation working and more! Keep in mind that this is not meant for those on the Verizon network. More info and the Rom download at the link below.