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Nov 14, 2010
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hi my name is curiouslee.
I am not very good with forums and somehoow always seem to get lost in the threads.
i usually dont post to forums, just read the info but I love my moto droid (froyoo) and need to find a way to stay in contact with more experienced users and sometimes ask questions and fin d out more of my droid's capabilities.
My main reason for posting is that I want to learn more about how to clear up space in my internal storage. Maybe I just have too many apps that are doenloaded or maybe somewhere I have stuff downloaded that I am not aware of. I also was wondering what is dialer storage and why does it take up so much of my phone storage?
well, anyway, thank u for welcoming me to your community. I have downloaded the forum app to my phone also and hope to become an actively involved member of the forums. I was wonderning is there a way to add the rss feeds to the .podcast. app on my droid?

Thanks for any assistance.
Welcome! Good to have you with us. There a cache cleaners available in the market but I believe they only work on rooted phones. Have you considered moving apps to your SD card?

I'm not sure what "dialer storage" is so I'm not able to provide any suggestions.

Thank you for responding to my post, mike.
I will look 4 cache cleaners in the market.
Are there any posts/threads in this forum that's like a users guide for newbies? Maybe even an introduction thread about rooting. Hear a lot in these forums about rootin the phones but not sure what that means.
I have moved lotsa stuff to the sd card and have an app that let's me know which apps can be moved.
My sd card is always close to full but shows 11Gb available, what's up with that? Is there a way to use that space cause it won't let me download anymore music to my phone. What happens if I compress a file in es file explorer?

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